/*! * Bootstrap v3.3.7 (http://getbootstrap.com) * Copyright 2011-2016 Twitter, Inc. * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE) */ /*! * Generated using the Bootstrap Customizer (http://getbootstrap.com/customize/?id=a1f4b4d378d01ce269392c44add27f12) * Config saved to config.json and https://gist.github.com/a1f4b4d378d01ce269392c44add27f12 */ if ("undefined" == typeof jQuery) throw new Error("Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery"); +function (t) { "use strict"; var e = t.fn.jquery.split(" ")[0].split("."); if (e[0] < 2 && e[1] < 9 || 1 == e[0] && 9 == e[1] && e[2] < 1 || e[0] > 3) throw new Error("Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery version 1.9.1 or higher, but lower than version 4") }(jQuery), +function (t) { "use strict"; function e(e) { return this.each(function () { var i = t(this), n = i.data("bs.alert"); n || i.data("bs.alert", n = new o(this)), "string" == typeof e && n[e].call(i) }) } var i = '[data-dismiss="alert"]', o = function (e) { t(e).on("click", i, this.close) }; o.VERSION = "3.3.7", o.TRANSITION_DURATION = 150, o.prototype.close = function (e) { function i() { a.detach().trigger("closed.bs.alert").remove() } var n = t(this), s = n.attr("data-target"); s || (s = n.attr("href"), s = s && s.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]*$)/, "")); var a = t("#" === s ? [] : s); e && e.preventDefault(), a.length || (a = n.closest(".alert")), a.trigger(e = t.Event("close.bs.alert")), e.isDefaultPrevented() || (a.removeClass("in"), t.support.transition && a.hasClass("fade") ? a.one("bsTransitionEnd", i).emulateTransitionEnd(o.TRANSITION_DURATION) : i()) }; var n = t.fn.alert; t.fn.alert = e, t.fn.alert.Constructor = o, t.fn.alert.noConflict = function () { return t.fn.alert = n, this }, t(document).on("click.bs.alert.data-api", i, o.prototype.close) }(jQuery), +function (t) { "use strict"; function e(e) { return this.each(function () { var o = t(this), n = o.data("bs.button"), s = "object" == typeof e && e; n || o.data("bs.button", n = new i(this, s)), "toggle" == e ? n.toggle() : e && n.setState(e) }) } var i = function (e, o) { this.$element = t(e), this.options = t.extend({}, i.DEFAULTS, o), this.isLoading = !1 }; i.VERSION = "3.3.7", i.DEFAULTS = { loadingText: "loading..." }, i.prototype.setState = function (e) { var i = "disabled", o = this.$element, n = o.is("input") ? "val" : "html", s = o.data(); e += "Text", null == s.resetText && o.data("resetText", o[n]()), setTimeout(t.proxy(function () { o[n](null == s[e] ? this.options[e] : s[e]), "loadingText" == e ? (this.isLoading = !0, o.addClass(i).attr(i, i).prop(i, !0)) : this.isLoading && (this.isLoading = !1, o.removeClass(i).removeAttr(i).prop(i, !1)) }, this), 0) }, i.prototype.toggle = function () { var t = !0, e = this.$element.closest('[data-toggle="buttons"]'); if (e.length) { var i = this.$element.find("input"); "radio" == i.prop("type") ? (i.prop("checked") && (t = !1), e.find(".active").removeClass("active"), this.$element.addClass("active")) : "checkbox" == i.prop("type") && (i.prop("checked") !== this.$element.hasClass("active") && (t = !1), this.$element.toggleClass("active")), i.prop("checked", this.$element.hasClass("active")), t && i.trigger("change") } else this.$element.attr("aria-pressed", !this.$element.hasClass("active")), this.$element.toggleClass("active") }; var o = t.fn.button; t.fn.button = e, t.fn.button.Constructor = i, t.fn.button.noConflict = function () { return t.fn.button = o, this }, t(document).on("click.bs.button.data-api", '[data-toggle^="button"]', function (i) { var o = t(i.target).closest(".btn"); e.call(o, "toggle"), t(i.target).is('input[type="radio"], input[type="checkbox"]') || (i.preventDefault(), o.is("input,button") ? o.trigger("focus") : o.find("input:visible,button:visible").first().trigger("focus")) }).on("focus.bs.button.data-api blur.bs.button.data-api", '[data-toggle^="button"]', function (e) { t(e.target).closest(".btn").toggleClass("focus", /^focus(in)?$/.test(e.type)) }) }(jQuery), +function (t) { "use strict"; function e(e) { return this.each(function () { var o = t(this), n = o.data("bs.carousel"), s = t.extend({}, i.DEFAULTS, o.data(), "object" == typeof e && e), a = "string" == typeof e ? e : s.slide; n || o.data("bs.carousel", n = new i(this, s)), "number" == typeof e ? n.to(e) : a ? n[a]() : s.interval && n.pause().cycle() }) } var i = function (e, i) { this.$element = t(e), this.$indicators = this.$element.find(".carousel-indicators"), this.options = i, this.paused = null, this.sliding = null, this.interval = null, this.$active = null, this.$items = null, this.options.keyboard && this.$element.on("keydown.bs.carousel", t.proxy(this.keydown, this)), "hover" == this.options.pause && !("ontouchstart" in document.documentElement) && this.$element.on("mouseenter.bs.carousel", t.proxy(this.pause, this)).on("mouseleave.bs.carousel", t.proxy(this.cycle, this)) }; i.VERSION = "3.3.7", i.TRANSITION_DURATION = 600, i.DEFAULTS = { interval: 5e3, pause: "hover", wrap: !0, keyboard: !0 }, i.prototype.keydown = function (t) { if (!/input|textarea/i.test(t.target.tagName)) { switch (t.which) { case 37: this.prev(); break; case 39: this.next(); break; default: return } t.preventDefault() } }, i.prototype.cycle = function (e) { return e || (this.paused = !1), this.interval && clearInterval(this.interval), this.options.interval && !this.paused && (this.interval = setInterval(t.proxy(this.next, this), this.options.interval)), this }, i.prototype.getItemIndex = function (t) { return this.$items = t.parent().children(".item"), this.$items.index(t || this.$active) }, i.prototype.getItemForDirection = function (t, e) { var i = this.getItemIndex(e), o = "prev" == t && 0 === i || "next" == t && i == this.$items.length - 1; if (o && !this.options.wrap) return e; var n = "prev" == t ? -1 : 1, s = (i + n) % this.$items.length; return this.$items.eq(s) }, i.prototype.to = function (t) { var e = this, i = this.getItemIndex(this.$active = this.$element.find(".item.active")); return t > this.$items.length - 1 || 0 > t ? void 0 : this.sliding ? this.$element.one("slid.bs.carousel", function () { e.to(t) }) : i == t ? this.pause().cycle() : this.slide(t > i ? "next" : "prev", this.$items.eq(t)) }, i.prototype.pause = function (e) { return e || (this.paused = !0), this.$element.find(".next, .prev").length && t.support.transition && (this.$element.trigger(t.support.transition.end), this.cycle(!0)), this.interval = clearInterval(this.interval), this }, i.prototype.next = function () { return this.sliding ? void 0 : this.slide("next") }, i.prototype.prev = function () { return this.sliding ? void 0 : this.slide("prev") }, i.prototype.slide = function (e, o) { var n = this.$element.find(".item.active"), s = o || this.getItemForDirection(e, n), a = this.interval, r = "next" == e ? "left" : "right", l = this; if (s.hasClass("active")) return this.sliding = !1; var h = s[0], d = t.Event("slide.bs.carousel", { relatedTarget: h, direction: r }); if (this.$element.trigger(d), !d.isDefaultPrevented()) { if (this.sliding = !0, a && this.pause(), this.$indicators.length) { this.$indicators.find(".active").removeClass("active"); var p = t(this.$indicators.children()[this.getItemIndex(s)]); p && p.addClass("active") } var c = t.Event("slid.bs.carousel", { relatedTarget: h, direction: r }); return t.support.transition && this.$element.hasClass("slide") ? (s.addClass(e), s[0].offsetWidth, n.addClass(r), s.addClass(r), n.one("bsTransitionEnd", function () { s.removeClass([e, r].join(" ")).addClass("active"), n.removeClass(["active", r].join(" ")), l.sliding = !1, setTimeout(function () { l.$element.trigger(c) }, 0) }).emulateTransitionEnd(i.TRANSITION_DURATION)) : (n.removeClass("active"), s.addClass("active"), this.sliding = !1, this.$element.trigger(c)), a && this.cycle(), this } }; var o = t.fn.carousel; t.fn.carousel = e, t.fn.carousel.Constructor = i, t.fn.carousel.noConflict = function () { return t.fn.carousel = o, this }; var n = function (i) { var o, n = t(this), s = t(n.attr("data-target") || (o = n.attr("href")) && o.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, "")); if (s.hasClass("carousel")) { var a = t.extend({}, s.data(), n.data()), r = n.attr("data-slide-to"); r && (a.interval = !1), e.call(s, a), r && s.data("bs.carousel").to(r), i.preventDefault() } }; t(document).on("click.bs.carousel.data-api", "[data-slide]", n).on("click.bs.carousel.data-api", "[data-slide-to]", n), t(window).on("load", function () { t('[data-ride="carousel"]').each(function () { var i = t(this); e.call(i, i.data()) }) }) }(jQuery), +function (t) { "use strict"; function e(e) { var i = e.attr("data-target"); i || (i = e.attr("href"), i = i && /#[A-Za-z]/.test(i) && i.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]*$)/, "")); var o = i && t(i); return o && o.length ? o : e.parent() } function i(i) { i && 3 === i.which || (t(n).remove(), t(s).each(function () { var o = t(this), n = e(o), s = { relatedTarget: this }; n.hasClass("open") && (i && "click" == i.type && /input|textarea/i.test(i.target.tagName) && t.contains(n[0], i.target) || (n.trigger(i = t.Event("hide.bs.dropdown", s)), i.isDefaultPrevented() || (o.attr("aria-expanded", "false"), n.removeClass("open").trigger(t.Event("hidden.bs.dropdown", s))))) })) } function o(e) { return this.each(function () { var i = t(this), o = i.data("bs.dropdown"); o || i.data("bs.dropdown", o = new a(this)), "string" == typeof e && o[e].call(i) }) } var n = ".dropdown-backdrop", s = '[data-toggle="dropdown"]', a = function (e) { t(e).on("click.bs.dropdown", this.toggle) }; a.VERSION = "3.3.7", a.prototype.toggle = function (o) { var n = t(this); if (!n.is(".disabled, :disabled")) { var s = e(n), a = s.hasClass("open"); if (i(), !a) { "ontouchstart" in document.documentElement && !s.closest(".navbar-nav").length && t(document.createElement("div")).addClass("dropdown-backdrop").insertAfter(t(this)).on("click", i); var r = { relatedTarget: this }; if (s.trigger(o = t.Event("show.bs.dropdown", r)), o.isDefaultPrevented()) return; n.trigger("focus").attr("aria-expanded", "true"), s.toggleClass("open").trigger(t.Event("shown.bs.dropdown", r)) } return !1 } }, a.prototype.keydown = function (i) { if (/(38|40|27|32)/.test(i.which) && !/input|textarea/i.test(i.target.tagName)) { var o = t(this); if (i.preventDefault(), i.stopPropagation(), !o.is(".disabled, :disabled")) { var n = e(o), a = n.hasClass("open"); if (!a && 27 != i.which || a && 27 == i.which) return 27 == i.which && n.find(s).trigger("focus"), o.trigger("click"); var r = " li:not(.disabled):visible a", l = n.find(".dropdown-menu" + r); if (l.length) { var h = l.index(i.target); 38 == i.which && h > 0 && h--, 40 == i.which && h < l.length - 1 && h++, ~h || (h = 0), l.eq(h).trigger("focus") } } } }; var r = t.fn.dropdown; t.fn.dropdown = o, t.fn.dropdown.Constructor = a, t.fn.dropdown.noConflict = function () { return t.fn.dropdown = r, this }, t(document).on("click.bs.dropdown.data-api", i).on("click.bs.dropdown.data-api", ".dropdown form", function (t) { t.stopPropagation() }).on("click.bs.dropdown.data-api", s, a.prototype.toggle).on("keydown.bs.dropdown.data-api", s, a.prototype.keydown).on("keydown.bs.dropdown.data-api", ".dropdown-menu", a.prototype.keydown) }(jQuery), +function (t) { "use strict"; function e(e, o) { return this.each(function () { var n = t(this), s = n.data("bs.modal"), a = t.extend({}, i.DEFAULTS, n.data(), "object" == typeof e && e); s || n.data("bs.modal", s = new i(this, a)), "string" == typeof e ? s[e](o) : a.show && s.show(o) }) } var i = function (e, i) { this.options = i, this.$body = t(document.body), this.$element = t(e), this.$dialog = this.$element.find(".modal-dialog"), this.$backdrop = null, this.isShown = null, this.originalBodyPad = null, this.scrollbarWidth = 0, this.ignoreBackdropClick = !1, this.options.remote && this.$element.find(".modal-content").load(this.options.remote, t.proxy(function () { this.$element.trigger("loaded.bs.modal") }, this)) }; i.VERSION = "3.3.7", i.TRANSITION_DURATION = 300, i.BACKDROP_TRANSITION_DURATION = 150, i.DEFAULTS = { backdrop: !0, keyboard: !0, show: !0 }, i.prototype.toggle = function (t) { return this.isShown ? this.hide() : this.show(t) }, i.prototype.show = function (e) { var o = this, n = t.Event("show.bs.modal", { relatedTarget: e }); this.$element.trigger(n), this.isShown || n.isDefaultPrevented() || (this.isShown = !0, this.checkScrollbar(), this.setScrollbar(), this.$body.addClass("modal-open"), this.escape(), this.resize(), this.$element.on("click.dismiss.bs.modal", '[data-dismiss="modal"]', t.proxy(this.hide, this)), this.$dialog.on("mousedown.dismiss.bs.modal", function () { o.$element.one("mouseup.dismiss.bs.modal", function (e) { t(e.target).is(o.$element) && (o.ignoreBackdropClick = !0) }) }), this.backdrop(function () { var n = t.support.transition && o.$element.hasClass("fade"); o.$element.parent().length || o.$element.appendTo(o.$body), o.$element.show().scrollTop(0), o.adjustDialog(), n && o.$element[0].offsetWidth, o.$element.addClass("in"), o.enforceFocus(); var s = t.Event("shown.bs.modal", { relatedTarget: e }); n ? o.$dialog.one("bsTransitionEnd", function () { o.$element.trigger("focus").trigger(s) }).emulateTransitionEnd(i.TRANSITION_DURATION) : o.$element.trigger("focus").trigger(s) })) }, i.prototype.hide = function (e) { e && e.preventDefault(), e = t.Event("hide.bs.modal"), this.$element.trigger(e), this.isShown && !e.isDefaultPrevented() && (this.isShown = !1, this.escape(), this.resize(), t(document).off("focusin.bs.modal"), this.$element.removeClass("in").off("click.dismiss.bs.modal").off("mouseup.dismiss.bs.modal"), this.$dialog.off("mousedown.dismiss.bs.modal"), t.support.transition && this.$element.hasClass("fade") ? this.$element.one("bsTransitionEnd", t.proxy(this.hideModal, this)).emulateTransitionEnd(i.TRANSITION_DURATION) : this.hideModal()) }, i.prototype.enforceFocus = function () { t(document).off("focusin.bs.modal").on("focusin.bs.modal", t.proxy(function (t) { document === t.target || this.$element[0] === t.target || this.$element.has(t.target).length || this.$element.trigger("focus") }, this)) }, i.prototype.escape = function () { this.isShown && this.options.keyboard ? this.$element.on("keydown.dismiss.bs.modal", t.proxy(function (t) { 27 == t.which && this.hide() }, this)) : this.isShown || this.$element.off("keydown.dismiss.bs.modal") }, i.prototype.resize = function () { this.isShown ? t(window).on("resize.bs.modal", t.proxy(this.handleUpdate, this)) : t(window).off("resize.bs.modal") }, i.prototype.hideModal = function () { var t = this; this.$element.hide(), this.backdrop(function () { t.$body.removeClass("modal-open"), t.resetAdjustments(), t.resetScrollbar(), t.$element.trigger("hidden.bs.modal") }) }, i.prototype.removeBackdrop = function () { this.$backdrop && this.$backdrop.remove(), this.$backdrop = null }, i.prototype.backdrop = function (e) { var o = this, n = this.$element.hasClass("fade") ? "fade" : ""; if (this.isShown && this.options.backdrop) { var s = t.support.transition && n; if (this.$backdrop = t(document.createElement("div")).addClass("modal-backdrop " + n).appendTo(this.$body), this.$element.on("click.dismiss.bs.modal", t.proxy(function (t) { return this.ignoreBackdropClick ? void (this.ignoreBackdropClick = !1) : void (t.target === t.currentTarget && ("static" == this.options.backdrop ? this.$element[0].focus() : this.hide())) }, this)), s && this.$backdrop[0].offsetWidth, this.$backdrop.addClass("in"), !e) return; s ? this.$backdrop.one("bsTransitionEnd", e).emulateTransitionEnd(i.BACKDROP_TRANSITION_DURATION) : e() } else if (!this.isShown && this.$backdrop) { this.$backdrop.removeClass("in"); var a = function () { o.removeBackdrop(), e && e() }; t.support.transition && this.$element.hasClass("fade") ? this.$backdrop.one("bsTransitionEnd", a).emulateTransitionEnd(i.BACKDROP_TRANSITION_DURATION) : a() } else e && e() }, i.prototype.handleUpdate = function () { this.adjustDialog() }, i.prototype.adjustDialog = function () { var t = this.$element[0].scrollHeight > document.documentElement.clientHeight; this.$element.css({ paddingLeft: !this.bodyIsOverflowing && t ? this.scrollbarWidth : "", paddingRight: this.bodyIsOverflowing && !t ? this.scrollbarWidth : "" }) }, i.prototype.resetAdjustments = function () { this.$element.css({ paddingLeft: "", paddingRight: "" }) }, i.prototype.checkScrollbar = function () { var t = window.innerWidth; if (!t) { var e = document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect(); t = e.right - Math.abs(e.left) } this.bodyIsOverflowing = document.body.clientWidth < t, this.scrollbarWidth = this.measureScrollbar() }, i.prototype.setScrollbar = function () { var t = parseInt(this.$body.css("padding-right") || 0, 10); this.originalBodyPad = document.body.style.paddingRight || "", this.bodyIsOverflowing && this.$body.css("padding-right", t + this.scrollbarWidth) }, i.prototype.resetScrollbar = function () { this.$body.css("padding-right", this.originalBodyPad) }, i.prototype.measureScrollbar = function () { var t = document.createElement("div"); t.className = "modal-scrollbar-measure", this.$body.append(t); var e = t.offsetWidth - t.clientWidth; return this.$body[0].removeChild(t), e }; var o = t.fn.modal; t.fn.modal = e, t.fn.modal.Constructor = i, t.fn.modal.noConflict = function () { return t.fn.modal = o, this }, t(document).on("click.bs.modal.data-api", '[data-toggle="modal"]', function (i) { var o = t(this), n = o.attr("href"), s = t(o.attr("data-target") || n && n.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, "")), a = s.data("bs.modal") ? "toggle" : t.extend({ remote: !/#/.test(n) && n }, s.data(), o.data()); o.is("a") && i.preventDefault(), s.one("show.bs.modal", function (t) { t.isDefaultPrevented() || s.one("hidden.bs.modal", function () { o.is(":visible") && o.trigger("focus") }) }), e.call(s, a, this) }) }(jQuery), +function (t) { "use strict"; function e(e) { return this.each(function () { var o = t(this), n = o.data("bs.tooltip"), s = "object" == typeof e && e; !n && /destroy|hide/.test(e) || (n || o.data("bs.tooltip", n = new i(this, s)), "string" == typeof e && n[e]()) }) } var i = function (t, e) { this.type = null, this.options = null, this.enabled = null, this.timeout = null, this.hoverState = null, this.$element = null, this.inState = null, this.init("tooltip", t, e) }; i.VERSION = "3.3.7", i.TRANSITION_DURATION = 150, i.DEFAULTS = { animation: !0, placement: "top", selector: !1, template: '', trigger: "hover focus", title: "", delay: 0, html: !1, container: !1, viewport: { selector: "body", padding: 0 } }, i.prototype.init = function (e, i, o) { if (this.enabled = !0, this.type = e, this.$element = t(i), this.options = this.getOptions(o), this.$viewport = this.options.viewport && t(t.isFunction(this.options.viewport) ? this.options.viewport.call(this, this.$element) : this.options.viewport.selector || this.options.viewport), this.inState = { click: !1, hover: !1, focus: !1 }, this.$element[0] instanceof document.constructor && !this.options.selector) throw new Error("`selector` option must be specified when initializing " + this.type + " on the window.document object!"); for (var n = this.options.trigger.split(" "), s = n.length; s--;) { var a = n[s]; if ("click" == a) this.$element.on("click." + this.type, this.options.selector, t.proxy(this.toggle, this)); else if ("manual" != a) { var r = "hover" == a ? "mouseenter" : "focusin", l = "hover" == a ? "mouseleave" : "focusout"; this.$element.on(r + "." + this.type, this.options.selector, t.proxy(this.enter, this)), this.$element.on(l + "." + this.type, this.options.selector, t.proxy(this.leave, this)) } } this.options.selector ? this._options = t.extend({}, this.options, { trigger: "manual", selector: "" }) : this.fixTitle() }, i.prototype.getDefaults = function () { return i.DEFAULTS }, i.prototype.getOptions = function (e) { return e = t.extend({}, this.getDefaults(), this.$element.data(), e), e.delay && "number" == typeof e.delay && (e.delay = { show: e.delay, hide: e.delay }), e }, i.prototype.getDelegateOptions = function () { var e = {}, i = this.getDefaults(); return this._options && t.each(this._options, function (t, o) { i[t] != o && (e[t] = o) }), e }, i.prototype.enter = function (e) { var i = e instanceof this.constructor ? e : t(e.currentTarget).data("bs." + this.type); return i || (i = new this.constructor(e.currentTarget, this.getDelegateOptions()), t(e.currentTarget).data("bs." + this.type, i)), e instanceof t.Event && (i.inState["focusin" == e.type ? "focus" : "hover"] = !0), i.tip().hasClass("in") || "in" == i.hoverState ? void (i.hoverState = "in") : (clearTimeout(i.timeout), i.hoverState = "in", i.options.delay && i.options.delay.show ? void (i.timeout = setTimeout(function () { "in" == i.hoverState && i.show() }, i.options.delay.show)) : i.show()) }, i.prototype.isInStateTrue = function () { for (var t in this.inState) if (this.inState[t]) return !0; return !1 }, i.prototype.leave = function (e) { var i = e instanceof this.constructor ? e : t(e.currentTarget).data("bs." + this.type); return i || (i = new this.constructor(e.currentTarget, this.getDelegateOptions()), t(e.currentTarget).data("bs." + this.type, i)), e instanceof t.Event && (i.inState["focusout" == e.type ? "focus" : "hover"] = !1), i.isInStateTrue() ? void 0 : (clearTimeout(i.timeout), i.hoverState = "out", i.options.delay && i.options.delay.hide ? void (i.timeout = setTimeout(function () { "out" == i.hoverState && i.hide() }, i.options.delay.hide)) : i.hide()) }, i.prototype.show = function () { var e = t.Event("show.bs." + this.type); if (this.hasContent() && this.enabled) { this.$element.trigger(e); var o = t.contains(this.$element[0].ownerDocument.documentElement, this.$element[0]); if (e.isDefaultPrevented() || !o) return; var n = this, s = this.tip(), a = this.getUID(this.type); this.setContent(), s.attr("id", a), this.$element.attr("aria-describedby", a), this.options.animation && s.addClass("fade"); var r = "function" == typeof this.options.placement ? this.options.placement.call(this, s[0], this.$element[0]) : this.options.placement, l = /\s?auto?\s?/i, h = l.test(r); h && (r = r.replace(l, "") || "top"), s.detach().css({ top: 0, left: 0, display: "block" }).addClass(r).data("bs." + this.type, this), this.options.container ? s.appendTo(this.options.container) : s.insertAfter(this.$element), this.$element.trigger("inserted.bs." + this.type); var d = this.getPosition(), p = s[0].offsetWidth, c = s[0].offsetHeight; if (h) { var f = r, u = this.getPosition(this.$viewport); r = "bottom" == r && d.bottom + c > u.bottom ? "top" : "top" == r && d.top - c < u.top ? "bottom" : "right" == r && d.right + p > u.width ? "left" : "left" == r && d.left - p < u.left ? "right" : r, s.removeClass(f).addClass(r) } var g = this.getCalculatedOffset(r, d, p, c); this.applyPlacement(g, r); var v = function () { var t = n.hoverState; n.$element.trigger("shown.bs." + n.type), n.hoverState = null, "out" == t && n.leave(n) }; t.support.transition && this.$tip.hasClass("fade") ? s.one("bsTransitionEnd", v).emulateTransitionEnd(i.TRANSITION_DURATION) : v() } }, i.prototype.applyPlacement = function (e, i) { var o = this.tip(), n = o[0].offsetWidth, s = o[0].offsetHeight, a = parseInt(o.css("margin-top"), 10), r = parseInt(o.css("margin-left"), 10); isNaN(a) && (a = 0), isNaN(r) && (r = 0), e.top += a, e.left += r, t.offset.setOffset(o[0], t.extend({ using: function (t) { o.css({ top: Math.round(t.top), left: Math.round(t.left) }) } }, e), 0), o.addClass("in"); var l = o[0].offsetWidth, h = o[0].offsetHeight; "top" == i && h != s && (e.top = e.top + s - h); var d = this.getViewportAdjustedDelta(i, e, l, h); d.left ? e.left += d.left : e.top += d.top; var p = /top|bottom/.test(i), c = p ? 2 * d.left - n + l : 2 * d.top - s + h, f = p ? "offsetWidth" : "offsetHeight"; o.offset(e), this.replaceArrow(c, o[0][f], p) }, i.prototype.replaceArrow = function (t, e, i) { this.arrow().css(i ? "left" : "top", 50 * (1 - t / e) + "%").css(i ? "top" : "left", "") }, i.prototype.setContent = function () { var t = this.tip(), e = this.getTitle(); t.find(".tooltip-inner")[this.options.html ? "html" : "text"](e), t.removeClass("fade in top bottom left right") }, i.prototype.hide = function (e) { function o() { "in" != n.hoverState && s.detach(), n.$element && n.$element.removeAttr("aria-describedby").trigger("hidden.bs." + n.type), e && e() } var n = this, s = t(this.$tip), a = t.Event("hide.bs." + this.type); return this.$element.trigger(a), a.isDefaultPrevented() ? void 0 : (s.removeClass("in"), t.support.transition && s.hasClass("fade") ? s.one("bsTransitionEnd", o).emulateTransitionEnd(i.TRANSITION_DURATION) : o(), this.hoverState = null, this) }, i.prototype.fixTitle = function () { var t = this.$element; (t.attr("title") || "string" != typeof t.attr("data-original-title")) && t.attr("data-original-title", t.attr("title") || "").attr("title", "") }, i.prototype.hasContent = function () { return this.getTitle() }, i.prototype.getPosition = function (e) { e = e || this.$element; var i = e[0], o = "BODY" == i.tagName, n = i.getBoundingClientRect(); null == n.width && (n = t.extend({}, n, { width: n.right - n.left, height: n.bottom - n.top })); var s = window.SVGElement && i instanceof window.SVGElement, a = o ? { top: 0, left: 0 } : s ? null : e.offset(), r = { scroll: o ? document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop : e.scrollTop() }, l = o ? { width: t(window).width(), height: t(window).height() } : null; return t.extend({}, n, r, l, a) }, i.prototype.getCalculatedOffset = function (t, e, i, o) { return "bottom" == t ? { top: e.top + e.height, left: e.left + e.width / 2 - i / 2 } : "top" == t ? { top: e.top - o, left: e.left + e.width / 2 - i / 2 } : "left" == t ? { top: e.top + e.height / 2 - o / 2, left: e.left - i } : { top: e.top + e.height / 2 - o / 2, left: e.left + e.width } }, i.prototype.getViewportAdjustedDelta = function (t, e, i, o) { var n = { top: 0, left: 0 }; if (!this.$viewport) return n; var s = this.options.viewport && this.options.viewport.padding || 0, a = this.getPosition(this.$viewport); if (/right|left/.test(t)) { var r = e.top - s - a.scroll, l = e.top + s - a.scroll + o; r < a.top ? n.top = a.top - r : l > a.top + a.height && (n.top = a.top + a.height - l) } else { var h = e.left - s, d = e.left + s + i; h < a.left ? n.left = a.left - h : d > a.right && (n.left = a.left + a.width - d) } return n }, i.prototype.getTitle = function () { var t, e = this.$element, i = this.options; return t = e.attr("data-original-title") || ("function" == typeof i.title ? i.title.call(e[0]) : i.title) }, i.prototype.getUID = function (t) { do t += ~~(1e6 * Math.random()); while (document.getElementById(t)); return t }, i.prototype.tip = function () { if (!this.$tip && (this.$tip = t(this.options.template), 1 != this.$tip.length)) throw new Error(this.type + " `template` option must consist of exactly 1 top-level element!"); return this.$tip }, i.prototype.arrow = function () { return this.$arrow = this.$arrow || this.tip().find(".tooltip-arrow") }, i.prototype.enable = function () { this.enabled = !0 }, i.prototype.disable = function () { this.enabled = !1 }, i.prototype.toggleEnabled = function () { this.enabled = !this.enabled }, i.prototype.toggle = function (e) { var i = this; e && (i = t(e.currentTarget).data("bs." + this.type), i || (i = new this.constructor(e.currentTarget, this.getDelegateOptions()), t(e.currentTarget).data("bs." + this.type, i))), e ? (i.inState.click = !i.inState.click, i.isInStateTrue() ? i.enter(i) : i.leave(i)) : i.tip().hasClass("in") ? i.leave(i) : i.enter(i) }, i.prototype.destroy = function () { var t = this; clearTimeout(this.timeout), this.hide(function () { t.$element.off("." + t.type).removeData("bs." + t.type), t.$tip && t.$tip.detach(), t.$tip = null, t.$arrow = null, t.$viewport = null, t.$element = null }) }; var o = t.fn.tooltip; t.fn.tooltip = e, t.fn.tooltip.Constructor = i, t.fn.tooltip.noConflict = function () { return t.fn.tooltip = o, this } }(jQuery), +function (t) { "use strict"; function e(e) { return this.each(function () { var o = t(this), n = o.data("bs.popover"), s = "object" == typeof e && e; !n && /destroy|hide/.test(e) || (n || o.data("bs.popover", n = new i(this, s)), "string" == typeof e && n[e]()) }) } var i = function (t, e) { this.init("popover", t, e) }; if (!t.fn.tooltip) throw new Error("Popover requires tooltip.js"); i.VERSION = "3.3.7", i.DEFAULTS = t.extend({}, t.fn.tooltip.Constructor.DEFAULTS, { placement: "right", trigger: "click", content: "", template: '' }), i.prototype = t.extend({}, t.fn.tooltip.Constructor.prototype), i.prototype.constructor = i, i.prototype.getDefaults = function () { return i.DEFAULTS }, i.prototype.setContent = function () { var t = this.tip(), e = this.getTitle(), i = this.getContent(); t.find(".popover-title")[this.options.html ? "html" : "text"](e), t.find(".popover-content").children().detach().end()[this.options.html ? "string" == typeof i ? "html" : "append" : "text"](i), t.removeClass("fade top bottom left right in"), t.find(".popover-title").html() || t.find(".popover-title").hide() }, i.prototype.hasContent = function () { return this.getTitle() || this.getContent() }, i.prototype.getContent = function () { var t = this.$element, e = this.options; return t.attr("data-content") || ("function" == typeof e.content ? e.content.call(t[0]) : e.content) }, i.prototype.arrow = function () { return this.$arrow = this.$arrow || this.tip().find(".arrow") }; var o = t.fn.popover; t.fn.popover = e, t.fn.popover.Constructor = i, t.fn.popover.noConflict = function () { return t.fn.popover = o, this } }(jQuery), +function (t) { "use strict"; function e(e) { return this.each(function () { var o = t(this), n = o.data("bs.tab"); n || o.data("bs.tab", n = new i(this)), "string" == typeof e && n[e]() }) } var i = function (e) { this.element = t(e) }; i.VERSION = "3.3.7", i.TRANSITION_DURATION = 150, i.prototype.show = function () { var e = this.element, i = e.closest("ul:not(.dropdown-menu)"), o = e.data("target"); if (o || (o = e.attr("href"), o = o && o.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]*$)/, "")), !e.parent("li").hasClass("active")) { var n = i.find(".active:last a"), s = t.Event("hide.bs.tab", { relatedTarget: e[0] }), a = t.Event("show.bs.tab", { relatedTarget: n[0] }); if (n.trigger(s), e.trigger(a), !a.isDefaultPrevented() && !s.isDefaultPrevented()) { var r = t(o); this.activate(e.closest("li"), i), this.activate(r, r.parent(), function () { n.trigger({ type: "hidden.bs.tab", relatedTarget: e[0] }), e.trigger({ type: "shown.bs.tab", relatedTarget: n[0] }) }) } } }, i.prototype.activate = function (e, o, n) { function s() { a.removeClass("active").find("> .dropdown-menu > .active").removeClass("active").end().find('[data-toggle="tab"]').attr("aria-expanded", !1), e.addClass("active").find('[data-toggle="tab"]').attr("aria-expanded", !0), r ? (e[0].offsetWidth, e.addClass("in")) : e.removeClass("fade"), e.parent(".dropdown-menu").length && e.closest("li.dropdown").addClass("active").end().find('[data-toggle="tab"]').attr("aria-expanded", !0), n && n() } var a = o.find("> .active"), r = n && t.support.transition && (a.length && a.hasClass("fade") || !!o.find("> .fade").length); a.length && r ? a.one("bsTransitionEnd", s).emulateTransitionEnd(i.TRANSITION_DURATION) : s(), a.removeClass("in") }; var o = t.fn.tab; t.fn.tab = e, t.fn.tab.Constructor = i, t.fn.tab.noConflict = function () { return t.fn.tab = o, this }; var n = function (i) { i.preventDefault(), e.call(t(this), "show") }; t(document).on("click.bs.tab.data-api", '[data-toggle="tab"]', n).on("click.bs.tab.data-api", '[data-toggle="pill"]', n) }(jQuery), +function (t) { "use strict"; function e(e) { return this.each(function () { var o = t(this), n = o.data("bs.affix"), s = "object" == typeof e && e; n || o.data("bs.affix", n = new i(this, s)), "string" == typeof e && n[e]() }) } var i = function (e, o) { this.options = t.extend({}, i.DEFAULTS, o), this.$target = t(this.options.target).on("scroll.bs.affix.data-api", t.proxy(this.checkPosition, this)).on("click.bs.affix.data-api", t.proxy(this.checkPositionWithEventLoop, this)), this.$element = t(e), this.affixed = null, this.unpin = null, this.pinnedOffset = null, this.checkPosition() }; i.VERSION = "3.3.7", i.RESET = "affix affix-top affix-bottom", i.DEFAULTS = { offset: 0, target: window }, i.prototype.getState = function (t, e, i, o) { var n = this.$target.scrollTop(), s = this.$element.offset(), a = this.$target.height(); if (null != i && "top" == this.affixed) return i > n ? "top" : !1; if ("bottom" == this.affixed) return null != i ? n + this.unpin <= s.top ? !1 : "bottom" : t - o >= n + a ? !1 : "bottom"; var r = null == this.affixed, l = r ? n : s.top, h = r ? a : e; return null != i && i >= n ? "top" : null != o && l + h >= t - o ? "bottom" : !1 }, i.prototype.getPinnedOffset = function () { if (this.pinnedOffset) return this.pinnedOffset; this.$element.removeClass(i.RESET).addClass("affix"); var t = this.$target.scrollTop(), e = this.$element.offset(); return this.pinnedOffset = e.top - t }, i.prototype.checkPositionWithEventLoop = function () { setTimeout(t.proxy(this.checkPosition, this), 1) }, i.prototype.checkPosition = function () { if (this.$element.is(":visible")) { var e = this.$element.height(), o = this.options.offset, n = o.top, s = o.bottom, a = Math.max(t(document).height(), t(document.body).height()); "object" != typeof o && (s = n = o), "function" == typeof n && (n = o.top(this.$element)), "function" == typeof s && (s = o.bottom(this.$element)); var r = this.getState(a, e, n, s); if (this.affixed != r) { null != this.unpin && this.$element.css("top", ""); var l = "affix" + (r ? "-" + r : ""), h = t.Event(l + ".bs.affix"); if (this.$element.trigger(h), h.isDefaultPrevented()) return; this.affixed = r, this.unpin = "bottom" == r ? this.getPinnedOffset() : null, this.$element.removeClass(i.RESET).addClass(l).trigger(l.replace("affix", "affixed") + ".bs.affix") } "bottom" == r && this.$element.offset({ top: a - e - s }) } }; var o = t.fn.affix; t.fn.affix = e, t.fn.affix.Constructor = i, t.fn.affix.noConflict = function () { return t.fn.affix = o, this }, t(window).on("load", function () { t('[data-spy="affix"]').each(function () { var i = t(this), o = i.data(); o.offset = o.offset || {}, null != o.offsetBottom && (o.offset.bottom = o.offsetBottom), null != o.offsetTop && (o.offset.top = o.offsetTop), e.call(i, o) }) }) }(jQuery), +function (t) { "use strict"; function e(e) { var i, o = e.attr("data-target") || (i = e.attr("href")) && i.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, ""); return t(o) } function i(e) { return this.each(function () { var i = t(this), n = i.data("bs.collapse"), s = t.extend({}, o.DEFAULTS, i.data(), "object" == typeof e && e); !n && s.toggle && /show|hide/.test(e) && (s.toggle = !1), n || i.data("bs.collapse", n = new o(this, s)), "string" == typeof e && n[e]() }) } var o = function (e, i) { this.$element = t(e), this.options = t.extend({}, o.DEFAULTS, i), this.$trigger = t('[data-toggle="collapse"][href="#' + e.id + '"],[data-toggle="collapse"][data-target="#' + e.id + '"]'), this.transitioning = null, this.options.parent ? this.$parent = this.getParent() : this.addAriaAndCollapsedClass(this.$element, this.$trigger), this.options.toggle && this.toggle() }; o.VERSION = "3.3.7", o.TRANSITION_DURATION = 350, o.DEFAULTS = { toggle: !0 }, o.prototype.dimension = function () { var t = this.$element.hasClass("width"); return t ? 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"hide" : "show"]() }, o.prototype.getParent = function () { return t(this.options.parent).find('[data-toggle="collapse"][data-parent="' + this.options.parent + '"]').each(t.proxy(function (i, o) { var n = t(o); this.addAriaAndCollapsedClass(e(n), n) }, this)).end() }, o.prototype.addAriaAndCollapsedClass = function (t, e) { var i = t.hasClass("in"); t.attr("aria-expanded", i), e.toggleClass("collapsed", !i).attr("aria-expanded", i) }; var n = t.fn.collapse; t.fn.collapse = i, t.fn.collapse.Constructor = o, t.fn.collapse.noConflict = function () { return t.fn.collapse = n, this }, t(document).on("click.bs.collapse.data-api", '[data-toggle="collapse"]', function (o) { var n = t(this); n.attr("data-target") || o.preventDefault(); var s = e(n), a = s.data("bs.collapse"), r = a ? "toggle" : n.data(); i.call(s, r) }) }(jQuery), +function (t) { "use strict"; function e(i, o) { this.$body = t(document.body), this.$scrollElement = t(t(i).is(document.body) ? window : i), this.options = t.extend({}, e.DEFAULTS, o), this.selector = (this.options.target || "") + " .nav li > a", this.offsets = [], this.targets = [], this.activeTarget = null, this.scrollHeight = 0, this.$scrollElement.on("scroll.bs.scrollspy", t.proxy(this.process, this)), this.refresh(), this.process() } function i(i) { return this.each(function () { var o = t(this), n = o.data("bs.scrollspy"), s = "object" == typeof i && i; n || o.data("bs.scrollspy", n = new e(this, s)), "string" == typeof i && n[i]() }) } e.VERSION = "3.3.7", e.DEFAULTS = { offset: 10 }, e.prototype.getScrollHeight = function () { return this.$scrollElement[0].scrollHeight || Math.max(this.$body[0].scrollHeight, document.documentElement.scrollHeight) }, e.prototype.refresh = function () { var e = this, i = "offset", o = 0; this.offsets = [], this.targets = [], this.scrollHeight = this.getScrollHeight(), t.isWindow(this.$scrollElement[0]) || (i = "position", o = this.$scrollElement.scrollTop()), this.$body.find(this.selector).map(function () { var e = t(this), n = e.data("target") || e.attr("href"), s = /^#./.test(n) && t(n); return s && s.length && s.is(":visible") && [[s[i]().top + o, n]] || null }).sort(function (t, e) { return t[0] - e[0] }).each(function () { e.offsets.push(this[0]), e.targets.push(this[1]) }) }, e.prototype.process = function () { var t, e = this.$scrollElement.scrollTop() + this.options.offset, i = this.getScrollHeight(), o = this.options.offset + i - this.$scrollElement.height(), n = this.offsets, s = this.targets, a = this.activeTarget; if (this.scrollHeight != i && this.refresh(), e >= o) return a != (t = s[s.length - 1]) && this.activate(t); if (a && e < n[0]) return this.activeTarget = null, this.clear(); for (t = n.length; t--;) a != s[t] && e >= n[t] && (void 0 === n[t + 1] || e < n[t + 1]) && this.activate(s[t]) }, e.prototype.activate = function (e) { this.activeTarget = e, this.clear(); var i = this.selector + '[data-target="' + e + '"],' + this.selector + '[href="' + e + '"]', o = t(i).parents("li").addClass("active"); o.parent(".dropdown-menu").length && (o = o.closest("li.dropdown").addClass("active")), o.trigger("activate.bs.scrollspy") }, e.prototype.clear = function () { t(this.selector).parentsUntil(this.options.target, ".active").removeClass("active") }; var o = t.fn.scrollspy; t.fn.scrollspy = i, t.fn.scrollspy.Constructor = e, t.fn.scrollspy.noConflict = function () { return t.fn.scrollspy = o, this }, t(window).on("load.bs.scrollspy.data-api", function () { t('[data-spy="scroll"]').each(function () { var e = t(this); i.call(e, e.data()) }) }) }(jQuery), +function (t) { "use strict"; function e() { var t = document.createElement("bootstrap"), e = { WebkitTransition: "webkitTransitionEnd", MozTransition: "transitionend", OTransition: "oTransitionEnd otransitionend", transition: "transitionend" }; for (var i in e) if (void 0 !== t.style[i]) return { end: e[i] }; return !1 } t.fn.emulateTransitionEnd = function (e) { var i = !1, o = this; t(this).one("bsTransitionEnd", function () { i = !0 }); var n = function () { i || t(o).trigger(t.support.transition.end) }; return setTimeout(n, e), this }, t(function () { t.support.transition = e(), t.support.transition && (t.event.special.bsTransitionEnd = { bindType: t.support.transition.end, delegateType: t.support.transition.end, handle: function (e) { return t(e.target).is(this) ? e.handleObj.handler.apply(this, arguments) : void 0 } }) }) }(jQuery); /*! * Bootstrap-select v1.11.0 (http://silviomoreto.github.io/bootstrap-select) * * Copyright 2013-2016 bootstrap-select * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/silviomoreto/bootstrap-select/blob/master/LICENSE) */ !function (a, b) { "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], function (a) { return b(a) }) : "object" == typeof exports ? module.exports = b(require("jquery")) : b(jQuery) }(this, function (a) { !function (a) { "use strict"; function b(b) { var c = [{ re: /[\xC0-\xC6]/g, ch: "A" }, { re: /[\xE0-\xE6]/g, ch: "a" }, { re: /[\xC8-\xCB]/g, ch: "E" }, { re: /[\xE8-\xEB]/g, ch: "e" }, { re: /[\xCC-\xCF]/g, ch: "I" }, { re: /[\xEC-\xEF]/g, ch: "i" }, { re: /[\xD2-\xD6]/g, ch: "O" }, { re: /[\xF2-\xF6]/g, ch: "o" }, { re: /[\xD9-\xDC]/g, ch: "U" }, { re: /[\xF9-\xFC]/g, ch: "u" }, { re: /[\xC7-\xE7]/g, ch: "c" }, { re: /[\xD1]/g, ch: "N" }, { re: /[\xF1]/g, ch: "n" }]; return a.each(c, function () { b = b.replace(this.re, this.ch) }), b } function c(a) { var b = { "&": "&", "<": "<", ">": ">", '"': """, "'": "'", "`": "`" }, c = "(?:" + Object.keys(b).join("|") + ")", d = new RegExp(c), e = new RegExp(c, "g"), f = null == a ? "" : "" + a; return d.test(f) ? f.replace(e, function (a) { return b[a] }) : f } function d(b, c) { var d = arguments, e = b, f = c;[].shift.apply(d); var h, i = this.each(function () { var b = a(this); if (b.is("select")) { var c = b.data("selectpicker"), i = "object" == typeof e && e; if (c) { if (i) for (var j in i) i.hasOwnProperty(j) && (c.options[j] = i[j]) } else { var k = a.extend({}, g.DEFAULTS, a.fn.selectpicker.defaults || {}, b.data(), i); k.template = a.extend({}, g.DEFAULTS.template, a.fn.selectpicker.defaults ? a.fn.selectpicker.defaults.template : {}, b.data().template, i.template), b.data("selectpicker", c = new g(this, k, f)) } "string" == typeof e && (h = c[e] instanceof Function ? c[e].apply(c, d) : c.options[e]) } }); return "undefined" != typeof h ? h : i } String.prototype.includes || !function () { var a = {}.toString, b = function () { try { var a = {}, b = Object.defineProperty, c = b(a, a, a) && b } catch (d) { } return c }(), c = "".indexOf, d = function (b) { if (null == this) throw new TypeError; var d = String(this); if (b && "[object RegExp]" == a.call(b)) throw new TypeError; var e = d.length, f = String(b), g = f.length, h = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0, i = h ? Number(h) : 0; i != i && (i = 0); var j = Math.min(Math.max(i, 0), e); return g + j > e ? !1 : -1 != c.call(d, f, i) }; b ? b(String.prototype, "includes", { value: d, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : String.prototype.includes = d }(), String.prototype.startsWith || !function () { var a = function () { try { var a = {}, b = Object.defineProperty, c = b(a, a, a) && b } catch (d) { } return c }(), b = {}.toString, c = function (a) { if (null == this) throw new TypeError; var c = String(this); if (a && "[object RegExp]" == b.call(a)) throw new TypeError; var d = c.length, e = String(a), f = e.length, g = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0, h = g ? Number(g) : 0; h != h && (h = 0); var i = Math.min(Math.max(h, 0), d); if (f + i > d) return !1; for (var j = -1; ++j < f;) if (c.charCodeAt(i + j) != e.charCodeAt(j)) return !1; return !0 }; a ? a(String.prototype, "startsWith", { value: c, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : String.prototype.startsWith = c }(), Object.keys || (Object.keys = function (a, b, c) { c = []; for (b in a) c.hasOwnProperty.call(a, b) && c.push(b); return c }); var e = a.fn.val; a.fn.val = function (a) { return this.is("select") && a && this.find('option[value="' + a + '"]').data("selected", !0), e.apply(this, arguments) }; var f = null; a.fn.triggerNative = function (a) { var b, c = this[0]; c.dispatchEvent ? ("function" == typeof Event ? b = new Event(a, { bubbles: !0 }) : (b = document.createEvent("Event"), b.initEvent(a, !0, !1)), c.dispatchEvent(b)) : (c.fireEvent && (b = document.createEventObject(), b.eventType = a, c.fireEvent("on" + a, b)), this.trigger(a)) }, a.expr.pseudos.icontains = function (b, c, d) { var e = a(b), f = (e.data("tokens") || e.text()).toString().toUpperCase(); return f.includes(d[3].toUpperCase()) }, a.expr.pseudos.ibegins = function (b, c, d) { var e = a(b), f = (e.data("tokens") || e.text()).toString().toUpperCase(); return f.startsWith(d[3].toUpperCase()) }, a.expr.pseudos.aicontains = function (b, c, d) { var e = a(b), f = (e.data("tokens") || e.data("normalizedText") || e.text()).toString().toUpperCase(); return f.includes(d[3].toUpperCase()) }, a.expr.pseudos.aibegins = function (b, c, d) { var e = a(b), f = (e.data("tokens") || e.data("normalizedText") || e.text()).toString().toUpperCase(); return f.startsWith(d[3].toUpperCase()) }; var g = function (b, c, d) { e && (a.fn.val = e, e = null), d && (d.stopPropagation(), d.preventDefault()), this.$element = a(b), this.$newElement = null, this.$button = null, this.$menu = null, this.$lis = null, this.options = c, null === this.options.title && (this.options.title = this.$element.attr("title")), this.val = g.prototype.val, this.render = g.prototype.render, this.refresh = g.prototype.refresh, this.setStyle = g.prototype.setStyle, this.selectAll = g.prototype.selectAll, this.deselectAll = g.prototype.deselectAll, this.destroy = g.prototype.destroy, this.remove = g.prototype.remove, this.show = g.prototype.show, this.hide = g.prototype.hide, this.init() }; g.VERSION = "1.11.0", g.DEFAULTS = { noneSelectedText: "Nothing selected", noneResultsText: "No results matched {0}", countSelectedText: function (a, b) { return 1 == a ? "{0} item selected" : "{0} items selected" }, maxOptionsText: function (a, b) { return [1 == a ? "Limit reached ({n} item max)" : "Limit reached ({n} items max)", 1 == b ? "Group limit reached ({n} item max)" : "Group limit reached ({n} items max)"] }, selectAllText: "Select All", deselectAllText: "Deselect All", doneButton: !1, doneButtonText: "Close", multipleSeparator: ", ", styleBase: "btn", style: "btn-default", size: "auto", title: null, selectedTextFormat: "values", width: !1, container: !1, hideDisabled: !1, showSubtext: !1, showIcon: !0, showContent: !0, dropupAuto: !0, header: !1, liveSearch: !1, liveSearchPlaceholder: null, liveSearchNormalize: !1, liveSearchStyle: "contains", actionsBox: !1, iconBase: "glyphicon", tickIcon: "glyphicon-ok", showTick: !1, template: { caret: '' }, maxOptions: !1, mobile: !1, selectOnTab: !1, dropdownAlignRight: !1 }, g.prototype = { constructor: g, init: function () { var b = this, c = this.$element.attr("id"); this.$element.addClass("bs-select-hidden"), this.liObj = {}, this.multiple = this.$element.prop("multiple"), this.autofocus = this.$element.prop("autofocus"), this.$newElement = this.createView(), this.$element.after(this.$newElement).appendTo(this.$newElement), this.$button = this.$newElement.children("button"), this.$menu = this.$newElement.children(".dropdown-menu"), this.$menuInner = this.$menu.children(".inner"), this.$searchbox = this.$menu.find("input"), this.$element.removeClass("bs-select-hidden"), this.options.dropdownAlignRight === !0 && this.$menu.addClass("dropdown-menu-right"), "undefined" != typeof c && (this.$button.attr("data-id", c), a('label[for="' + c + '"]').click(function (a) { a.preventDefault(), b.$button.focus() })), this.checkDisabled(), this.clickListener(), this.options.liveSearch && this.liveSearchListener(), this.render(), this.setStyle(), this.setWidth(), this.options.container && this.selectPosition(), this.$menu.data("this", this), this.$newElement.data("this", this), this.options.mobile && this.mobile(), this.$newElement.on({ "hide.bs.dropdown": function (a) { b.$menuInner.attr("aria-expanded", !1), b.$element.trigger("hide.bs.select", a) }, "hidden.bs.dropdown": function (a) { b.$element.trigger("hidden.bs.select", a) }, "show.bs.dropdown": function (a) { b.$menuInner.attr("aria-expanded", !0), b.$element.trigger("show.bs.select", a) }, "shown.bs.dropdown": function (a) { b.$element.trigger("shown.bs.select", a) } }), b.$element[0].hasAttribute("required") && this.$element.on("invalid", function () { b.$button.addClass("bs-invalid").focus(), b.$element.on({ "focus.bs.select": function () { b.$button.focus(), b.$element.off("focus.bs.select") }, "shown.bs.select": function () { b.$element.val(b.$element.val()).off("shown.bs.select") }, "rendered.bs.select": function () { this.validity.valid && b.$button.removeClass("bs-invalid"), b.$element.off("rendered.bs.select") } }) }), setTimeout(function () { b.$element.trigger("loaded.bs.select") }) }, createDropdown: function () { var b = this.multiple || this.options.showTick ? " show-tick" : "", d = this.$element.parent().hasClass("input-group") ? " input-group-btn" : "", e = this.autofocus ? " autofocus" : "", f = this.options.header ? '
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" : "", g = this.options.liveSearch ? '' : "", h = this.multiple && this.options.actionsBox ? '
" : "", i = this.multiple && this.options.doneButton ? '
" : "", j = '
"; return a(j) }, createView: function () { var a = this.createDropdown(), b = this.createLi(); return a.find("ul")[0].innerHTML = b, a }, reloadLi: function () { this.destroyLi(); var a = this.createLi(); this.$menuInner[0].innerHTML = a }, destroyLi: function () { this.$menu.find("li").remove() }, createLi: function () { var d = this, e = [], f = 0, g = document.createElement("option"), h = -1, i = function (a, b, c, d) { return "" + a + "" }, j = function (a, e, f, g) { return '' + a + '' }; if (this.options.title && !this.multiple && (h--, !this.$element.find(".bs-title-option").length)) { var k = this.$element[0]; g.className = "bs-title-option", g.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.options.title)), g.value = "", k.insertBefore(g, k.firstChild); var l = a(k.options[k.selectedIndex]); void 0 === l.attr("selected") && void 0 === l.data("selected") && (g.selected = !0) } return this.$element.find("option").each(function (b) { var c = a(this); if (h++, !c.hasClass("bs-title-option")) { var g = this.className || "", k = this.style.cssText, l = c.data("content") ? c.data("content") : c.html(), m = c.data("tokens") ? c.data("tokens") : null, n = "undefined" != typeof c.data("subtext") ? '' + c.data("subtext") + "" : "", o = "undefined" != typeof c.data("icon") ? ' ' : "", p = c.parent(), q = "OPTGROUP" === p[0].tagName, r = q && p[0].disabled, s = this.disabled || r; if ("" !== o && s && (o = "" + o + ""), d.options.hideDisabled && (s && !q || r)) return void h--; if (c.data("content") || (l = o + '' + l + n + ""), q && c.data("divider") !== !0) { if (d.options.hideDisabled && s) { if (void 0 === p.data("allOptionsDisabled")) { var t = p.children(); p.data("allOptionsDisabled", t.filter(":disabled").length === t.length) } if (p.data("allOptionsDisabled")) return void h-- } var u = " " + p[0].className || ""; if (0 === c.index()) { f += 1; var v = p[0].label, w = "undefined" != typeof p.data("subtext") ? '' + p.data("subtext") + "" : "", x = p.data("icon") ? ' ' : ""; v = x + '' + v + w + "", 0 !== b && e.length > 0 && (h++, e.push(i("", null, "divider", f + "div"))), h++, e.push(i(v, null, "dropdown-header" + u, f)) } if (d.options.hideDisabled && s) return void h--; e.push(i(j(l, "opt " + g + u, k, m), b, "", f)) } else if (c.data("divider") === !0) e.push(i("", b, "divider")); else if (c.data("hidden") === !0) e.push(i(j(l, g, k, m), b, "hidden is-hidden")); else { var y = this.previousElementSibling && "OPTGROUP" === this.previousElementSibling.tagName; if (!y && d.options.hideDisabled) for (var z = a(this).prevAll(), A = 0; A < z.length; A++) if ("OPTGROUP" === z[A].tagName) { for (var B = 0, C = 0; A > C; C++) { var D = z[C]; (D.disabled || a(D).data("hidden") === !0) && B++ } B === A && (y = !0); break } y && (h++, e.push(i("", null, "divider", f + "div"))), e.push(i(j(l, g, k, m), b)) } d.liObj[b] = h } }), this.multiple || 0 !== this.$element.find("option:selected").length || this.options.title || this.$element.find("option").eq(0).prop("selected", !0).attr("selected", "selected"), e.join("") }, findLis: function () { return null == this.$lis && (this.$lis = this.$menu.find("li")), this.$lis }, render: function (b) { var c, d = this; b !== !1 && this.$element.find("option").each(function (a) { var b = d.findLis().eq(d.liObj[a]); d.setDisabled(a, this.disabled || "OPTGROUP" === this.parentNode.tagName && this.parentNode.disabled, b), d.setSelected(a, this.selected, b) }), this.togglePlaceholder(), this.tabIndex(); var e = this.$element.find("option").map(function () { if (this.selected) { if (d.options.hideDisabled && (this.disabled || "OPTGROUP" === this.parentNode.tagName && this.parentNode.disabled)) return; var b, c = a(this), e = c.data("icon") && d.options.showIcon ? ' ' : ""; return b = d.options.showSubtext && c.data("subtext") && !d.multiple ? ' ' + c.data("subtext") + "" : "", "undefined" != typeof c.attr("title") ? c.attr("title") : c.data("content") && d.options.showContent ? c.data("content") : e + c.html() + b } }).toArray(), f = this.multiple ? e.join(this.options.multipleSeparator) : e[0]; if (this.multiple && this.options.selectedTextFormat.indexOf("count") > -1) { var g = this.options.selectedTextFormat.split(">"); if (g.length > 1 && e.length > g[1] || 1 == g.length && e.length >= 2) { c = this.options.hideDisabled ? ", [disabled]" : ""; var h = this.$element.find("option").not('[data-divider="true"], [data-hidden="true"]' + c).length, i = "function" == typeof this.options.countSelectedText ? this.options.countSelectedText(e.length, h) : this.options.countSelectedText; f = i.replace("{0}", e.length.toString()).replace("{1}", h.toString()) } } void 0 == this.options.title && (this.options.title = this.$element.attr("title")), "static" == this.options.selectedTextFormat && (f = this.options.title), f || (f = "undefined" != typeof this.options.title ? this.options.title : this.options.noneSelectedText), this.$button.attr("title", a.trim(f.replace(/<[^>]*>?/g, ""))), this.$button.children(".filter-option").html(f), this.$element.trigger("rendered.bs.select") }, setStyle: function (a, b) { this.$element.attr("class") && this.$newElement.addClass(this.$element.attr("class").replace(/selectpicker|mobile-device|bs-select-hidden|validate\[.*\]/gi, "")); var c = a ? a : this.options.style; "add" == b ? this.$button.addClass(c) : "remove" == b ? this.$button.removeClass(c) : (this.$button.removeClass(this.options.style), this.$button.addClass(c)) }, liHeight: function (b) { if (b || this.options.size !== !1 && !this.sizeInfo) { var c = document.createElement("div"), d = document.createElement("div"), e = document.createElement("ul"), f = document.createElement("li"), g = document.createElement("li"), h = document.createElement("a"), i = document.createElement("span"), j = this.options.header && this.$menu.find(".popover-title").length > 0 ? this.$menu.find(".popover-title")[0].cloneNode(!0) : null, k = this.options.liveSearch ? document.createElement("div") : null, l = this.options.actionsBox && this.multiple && this.$menu.find(".bs-actionsbox").length > 0 ? this.$menu.find(".bs-actionsbox")[0].cloneNode(!0) : null, m = this.options.doneButton && this.multiple && this.$menu.find(".bs-donebutton").length > 0 ? this.$menu.find(".bs-donebutton")[0].cloneNode(!0) : null; if (i.className = "text", c.className = this.$menu[0].parentNode.className + " open", d.className = "dropdown-menu open", e.className = "dropdown-menu inner", f.className = "divider", i.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Inner text")), h.appendChild(i), g.appendChild(h), e.appendChild(g), e.appendChild(f), j && d.appendChild(j), k) { var n = document.createElement("span"); k.className = "bs-searchbox", n.className = "form-control", k.appendChild(n), d.appendChild(k) } l && d.appendChild(l), d.appendChild(e), m && d.appendChild(m), c.appendChild(d), document.body.appendChild(c); var o = h.offsetHeight, p = j ? j.offsetHeight : 0, q = k ? k.offsetHeight : 0, r = l ? l.offsetHeight : 0, s = m ? m.offsetHeight : 0, t = a(f).outerHeight(!0), u = "function" == typeof getComputedStyle ? getComputedStyle(d) : !1, v = u ? null : a(d), w = { vert: parseInt(u ? u.paddingTop : v.css("paddingTop")) + parseInt(u ? u.paddingBottom : v.css("paddingBottom")) + parseInt(u ? u.borderTopWidth : v.css("borderTopWidth")) + parseInt(u ? u.borderBottomWidth : v.css("borderBottomWidth")), horiz: parseInt(u ? u.paddingLeft : v.css("paddingLeft")) + parseInt(u ? u.paddingRight : v.css("paddingRight")) + parseInt(u ? u.borderLeftWidth : v.css("borderLeftWidth")) + parseInt(u ? u.borderRightWidth : v.css("borderRightWidth")) }, x = { vert: w.vert + parseInt(u ? u.marginTop : v.css("marginTop")) + parseInt(u ? u.marginBottom : v.css("marginBottom")) + 2, horiz: w.horiz + parseInt(u ? u.marginLeft : v.css("marginLeft")) + parseInt(u ? u.marginRight : v.css("marginRight")) + 2 }; document.body.removeChild(c), this.sizeInfo = { liHeight: o, headerHeight: p, searchHeight: q, actionsHeight: r, doneButtonHeight: s, dividerHeight: t, menuPadding: w, menuExtras: x } } }, setSize: function () { if (this.findLis(), this.liHeight(), this.options.header && this.$menu.css("padding-top", 0), this.options.size !== !1) { var b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j = this, k = this.$menu, l = this.$menuInner, m = a(window), n = this.$newElement[0].offsetHeight, o = this.$newElement[0].offsetWidth, p = this.sizeInfo.liHeight, q = this.sizeInfo.headerHeight, r = this.sizeInfo.searchHeight, s = this.sizeInfo.actionsHeight, t = this.sizeInfo.doneButtonHeight, u = this.sizeInfo.dividerHeight, v = this.sizeInfo.menuPadding, w = this.sizeInfo.menuExtras, x = this.options.hideDisabled ? ".disabled" : "", y = function () { var b, c = j.$newElement.offset(), d = a(j.options.container); j.options.container && !d.is("body") ? (b = d.offset(), b.top += parseInt(d.css("borderTopWidth")), b.left += parseInt(d.css("borderLeftWidth"))) : b = { top: 0, left: 0 }, f = c.top - b.top - m.scrollTop(), g = m.height() - f - n - b.top, h = c.left - b.left - m.scrollLeft(), i = m.width() - h - o - b.left }; if (y(), "auto" === this.options.size) { var z = function () { var m, n = function (b, c) { return function (d) { return c ? d.classList ? d.classList.contains(b) : a(d).hasClass(b) : !(d.classList ? d.classList.contains(b) : a(d).hasClass(b)) } }, u = j.$menuInner[0].getElementsByTagName("li"), x = Array.prototype.filter ? Array.prototype.filter.call(u, n("hidden", !1)) : j.$lis.not(".hidden"), z = Array.prototype.filter ? Array.prototype.filter.call(x, n("dropdown-header", !0)) : x.filter(".dropdown-header"); y(), b = g - w.vert, c = i - w.horiz, j.options.container ? (k.data("height") || k.data("height", k.height()), d = k.data("height"), k.data("width") || k.data("width", k.width()), e = k.data("width")) : (d = k.height(), e = k.width()), j.options.dropupAuto && j.$newElement.toggleClass("dropup", f > g && b - w.vert < d), j.$newElement.hasClass("dropup") && (b = f - w.vert), "auto" === j.options.dropdownAlignRight && k.toggleClass("dropdown-menu-right", h > i && c - w.horiz < e - o), m = x.length + z.length > 3 ? 3 * p + w.vert - 2 : 0, k.css({ "max-height": b + "px", overflow: "hidden", "min-height": m + q + r + s + t + "px" }), l.css({ "max-height": b - q - r - s - t - v.vert + "px", "overflow-y": "auto", "min-height": Math.max(m - v.vert, 0) + "px" }) }; z(), this.$searchbox.off("input.getSize propertychange.getSize").on("input.getSize propertychange.getSize", z), m.off("resize.getSize scroll.getSize").on("resize.getSize scroll.getSize", z) } else if (this.options.size && "auto" != this.options.size && this.$lis.not(x).length > this.options.size) { var A = this.$lis.not(".divider").not(x).children().slice(0, this.options.size).last().parent().index(), B = this.$lis.slice(0, A + 1).filter(".divider").length; b = p * this.options.size + B * u + v.vert, j.options.container ? (k.data("height") || k.data("height", k.height()), d = k.data("height")) : d = k.height(), j.options.dropupAuto && this.$newElement.toggleClass("dropup", f > g && b - w.vert < d), k.css({ "max-height": b + q + r + s + t + "px", overflow: "hidden", "min-height": "" }), l.css({ "max-height": b - v.vert + "px", "overflow-y": "auto", "min-height": "" }) } } }, setWidth: function () { if ("auto" === this.options.width) { this.$menu.css("min-width", "0"); var a = this.$menu.parent().clone().appendTo("body"), b = this.options.container ? this.$newElement.clone().appendTo("body") : a, c = a.children(".dropdown-menu").outerWidth(), d = b.css("width", "auto").children("button").outerWidth(); a.remove(), b.remove(), this.$newElement.css("width", Math.max(c, d) + "px") } else "fit" === this.options.width ? (this.$menu.css("min-width", ""), this.$newElement.css("width", "").addClass("fit-width")) : this.options.width ? 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'); t[2] && (u = u.replace("{var}", t[2][n > 1 ? 0 : 1]), v = v.replace("{var}", t[2][o > 1 ? 0 : 1])), k.prop("selected", !1), b.$menu.append(w), n && p && (w.append(a("
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  • '); this.$button.on("click.dropdown.data-api touchstart.dropdown.data-api", function () { d.$menuInner.find(".active").removeClass("active"), d.$searchbox.val() && (d.$searchbox.val(""), d.$lis.not(".is-hidden").removeClass("hidden"), e.parent().length && e.remove()), d.multiple || d.$menuInner.find(".selected").addClass("active"), setTimeout(function () { d.$searchbox.focus() }, 10) }), this.$searchbox.on("click.dropdown.data-api focus.dropdown.data-api touchend.dropdown.data-api", function (a) { a.stopPropagation() }), this.$searchbox.on("input propertychange", function () { if (d.$searchbox.val()) { var f = d.$lis.not(".is-hidden").removeClass("hidden").children("a"); f = d.options.liveSearchNormalize ? f.not(":a" + d._searchStyle() + '("' + b(d.$searchbox.val()) + '")') : f.not(":" + d._searchStyle() + '("' + d.$searchbox.val() + '")'), f.parent().addClass("hidden"), d.$lis.filter(".dropdown-header").each(function () { var b = a(this), c = b.data("optgroup"); 0 === d.$lis.filter("[data-optgroup=" + c + "]").not(b).not(".hidden").length && (b.addClass("hidden"), d.$lis.filter("[data-optgroup=" + c + "div]").addClass("hidden")) }); var g = d.$lis.not(".hidden"); g.each(function (b) { var c = a(this); c.hasClass("divider") && (c.index() === g.first().index() || c.index() === g.last().index() || g.eq(b + 1).hasClass("divider")) && c.addClass("hidden") }), d.$lis.not(".hidden, .no-results").length ? e.parent().length && e.remove() : (e.parent().length && e.remove(), e.html(d.options.noneResultsText.replace("{0}", '"' + c(d.$searchbox.val()) + '"')).show(), d.$menuInner.append(e)) } else d.$lis.not(".is-hidden").removeClass("hidden"), e.parent().length && e.remove(); d.$lis.filter(".active").removeClass("active"), d.$searchbox.val() && d.$lis.not(".hidden, .divider, .dropdown-header").eq(0).addClass("active").children("a").focus(), a(this).focus() }) }, _searchStyle: function () { var a = { begins: "ibegins", startsWith: "ibegins" }; return a[this.options.liveSearchStyle] || "icontains" }, val: function (a) { return "undefined" != typeof a ? 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(o.options.liveSearch && e--, e != j && e > i && (e = i), g > e && (e = g), e == k && (e = h)) : 40 == c.keyCode && (o.options.liveSearch && e++, -1 == e && (e = 0), e != j && f > e && (e = f), e > h && (e = h), e == k && (e = g)), m.data("prevIndex", e), o.options.liveSearch ? (c.preventDefault(), m.hasClass("dropdown-toggle") || (d.removeClass("active").eq(e).addClass("active").children("a").focus(), m.focus())) : d.eq(e).children("a").focus(); else if (!m.is("input")) { var r, s, t = []; d.each(function () { a(this).hasClass("disabled") || a.trim(a(this).children("a").text().toLowerCase()).substring(0, 1) == q[c.keyCode] && t.push(a(this).index()) }), r = a(document).data("keycount"), r++, a(document).data("keycount", r), s = a.trim(a(":focus").text().toLowerCase()).substring(0, 1), s != q[c.keyCode] ? (r = 1, a(document).data("keycount", r)) : r >= t.length && (a(document).data("keycount", 0), r > t.length && (r = 1)), d.eq(t[r - 1]).children("a").focus() } if ((/(13|32)/.test(c.keyCode.toString(10)) || /(^9$)/.test(c.keyCode.toString(10)) && o.options.selectOnTab) && l) { if (/(32)/.test(c.keyCode.toString(10)) || c.preventDefault(), o.options.liveSearch) /(32) /.test(c.keyCode.toString(10)) || (o.$menuInner.find(".active a").click(), m.focus()); else { var u = a(":focus"); u.click(), u.focus(), c.preventDefault(), a(document).data("spaceSelect", !0) } a(document).data("keycount", 0) } (/(^9$|27)/.test(c.keyCode.toString(10)) && l && (o.multiple || o.options.liveSearch) || /(27)/.test(c.keyCode.toString(10)) && !l) && (o.$menu.parent().removeClass("open"), o.options.container && o.$newElement.removeClass("open"), o.$button.focus()) } }, mobile: function () { this.$element.addClass("mobile-device") }, refresh: function () { this.$lis = null, this.liObj = {}, this.reloadLi(), this.render(), this.checkDisabled(), this.liHeight(!0), this.setStyle(), this.setWidth(), this.$lis && this.$searchbox.trigger("propertychange"), this.$element.trigger("refreshed.bs.select") }, hide: function () { this.$newElement.hide() }, show: function () { this.$newElement.show() }, remove: function () { this.$newElement.remove(), this.$element.remove() }, destroy: function () { this.$newElement.before(this.$element).remove(), this.$bsContainer ? this.$bsContainer.remove() : this.$menu.remove(), this.$element.off(".bs.select").removeData("selectpicker").removeClass("bs-select-hidden selectpicker") } }; var h = a.fn.selectpicker; a.fn.selectpicker = d, a.fn.selectpicker.Constructor = g, a.fn.selectpicker.noConflict = function () { return a.fn.selectpicker = h, this }, a(document).data("keycount", 0).on("keydown.bs.select", '.bootstrap-select [data-toggle=dropdown], .bootstrap-select [role="listbox"], .bs-searchbox input', g.prototype.keydown).on("focusin.modal", '.bootstrap-select [data-toggle=dropdown], .bootstrap-select [role="listbox"], .bs-searchbox input', function (a) { a.stopPropagation() }), a(window).on("load.bs.select.data-api", function () { a(".selectpicker").each(function () { var b = a(this); d.call(b, b.data()) }) }) }(a) }); //# sourceMappingURL=bootstrap-select.js.map /*! * screenfull * v3.0.0 - 2015-11-24 * (c) Sindre Sorhus; MIT License */ !function () { "use strict"; var a = "undefined" != typeof module && module.exports, b = "undefined" != typeof Element && "ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT" in Element, c = function () { for (var a, b, c = [["requestFullscreen", "exitFullscreen", "fullscreenElement", "fullscreenEnabled", "fullscreenchange", "fullscreenerror"], ["webkitRequestFullscreen", "webkitExitFullscreen", "webkitFullscreenElement", "webkitFullscreenEnabled", "webkitfullscreenchange", "webkitfullscreenerror"], ["webkitRequestFullScreen", "webkitCancelFullScreen", "webkitCurrentFullScreenElement", "webkitCancelFullScreen", "webkitfullscreenchange", "webkitfullscreenerror"], ["mozRequestFullScreen", "mozCancelFullScreen", "mozFullScreenElement", "mozFullScreenEnabled", "mozfullscreenchange", "mozfullscreenerror"], ["msRequestFullscreen", "msExitFullscreen", "msFullscreenElement", "msFullscreenEnabled", "MSFullscreenChange", "MSFullscreenError"]], d = 0, e = c.length, f = {}; e > d; d++) if (a = c[d], a && a[1] in document) { for (d = 0, b = a.length; b > d; d++) f[c[0][d]] = a[d]; return f } return !1 }(), d = { request: function (a) { var d = c.requestFullscreen; a = a || document.documentElement, /5\.1[\.\d]* Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? a[d]() : a[d](b && Element.ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT) }, exit: function () { document[c.exitFullscreen]() }, toggle: function (a) { this.isFullscreen ? this.exit() : this.request(a) }, raw: c }; return c ? 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