/*! * DW JS iAdmin LIBRARY 2.0 * * jQuery 1.4.2 * Colorbox 1.3.9 * jQuery Tools 1.2.5 * jQuery UI 1.8.5 * jScrollPane v2.0.0beta5 * scrollTo 1.4.2 */ function newWindow(path, w, h, scroll, name) { if (name == null) { name = "newWin"; } var height = h; var width = w; var wleft = (screen.width - width - 20) / 2; var wtop = (screen.height - height) / 2; window.open(path, name, 'fullscreen=0,scrollbars=' + scroll + ',height=' + height + ',width=' + width + ',top=' + wtop + ',left=' + wleft + ''); } $(document).ready(function() { initAdmin(); loadDashboardNetworkFind(); if($(".mrp_radioSelectWrap").length>0){ setMrpRadioSelect($("input[type=radio]:checked").parent()); } }); var lastChecked = null; var iHeight = 500; var iHeightOffset = 60; var iContentSrc = ""; var navTimers = []; var loader16x16 = "loading..."; function initAdmin() { initMaxLengths(); initModalBox(); $(".contentSubWrap").addClass("clearfix"); //this can probably be written in the backend now that we know we are set with contentsubwraps $('.popoverBtn').popover(); 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Please login again."); parent.location.href = "/myaccount/signin.aspx"; } } }); } function checkSession() { var r = confirm("Your session is about to expire. Press 'OK' to remain logged in."); if (r == true) { checkServer(); } else { checkServer(); } } function resetTimer() { //alert("init timer with a session length of: " + sessionLength / 60000 + " minutes."); clearTimeout(t); t = setTimeout(checkSession, sessionLength - 240000) //alert 4 minutes before session ends } resetTimer(); } ///END INIT FUNCTIONS/// function swapEl(toShow, navClicked) { if (navClicked) { $(navClicked).siblings().removeClass("genUrl"); $(navClicked).addClass("genUrl"); } $(toShow).show(); $(toShow).siblings().hide(); } function quickToggle(el) { //pass an element and it will toggle the children that have a class of "quickHide" $(el).find(".quickHide").toggle(); } function querySt(ji) { hu = window.location.search.substring(1); gy = hu.split("&"); for (i = 0; i < gy.length; i++) { ft = gy[i].split("="); if (ft[0] == ji) { return ft[1]; } } } function parseArgs(ji, toParse) { hu = toParse; gy = hu.split("|"); for (i = 0; i < gy.length; i++) { ft = gy[i].split(":"); if (ft[0] == ji) { return ft[1]; } } } function getHash(){ return document.location.hash.replace("#", ""); } function winScroll() { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 'slow'); return false; } function updateClone(type, clonerId, el) { if (type == "radio") { if ($(el).is(":checked")) { $(clonerId).text($(el).val()); } } if (type == "checkbox") { var curSelected = $(clonerId).text(); if ($(el).is(":checked")) { $(clonerId).text(curSelected + $(el).val() + ", "); } else { $(clonerId).text($(clonerId).text().replace($(el).val() + ', ', "")); } } if (type == "text") { $(clonerId).text($(el).val()); } } function initClones() { $(".clonee").each(function() { var clonerId = "#" + $(this).attr("rel"); var type = ""; var isPreChecked = $(this).attr("id").indexOf("cur-"); if (isPreChecked != -1) { $(this).attr("checked", "checked"); //check it (doesn't fire event) $(this).click(); //fire event (also unchecks it) $(this).attr("checked", "checked"); //check it (won't fire event) } else { if ($(this).attr("type") == "radio") { //check if it is a radio button type = "radio"; $(this).change(function() { updateClone(type, clonerId, this); }) .change(); } else if ($(this).attr("type") == "checkbox") { //check if it is a checkbox list type = "checkbox"; $(this).change(function() { updateClone(type, clonerId, this); }) .change(); } else if (($(this).attr("type") == "text") || ($(this).is("textarea"))) { //check if it is a textbox var type = "text"; $(this).change(function() { updateClone(type, clonerId, this); }).keyup(function() { updateClone(type, clonerId, this); }).change(); } } }); } function stickySide(id, gutter) { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { if (document.documentElement.scrollTop > gutter || self.pageYOffset > gutter) { $('#' + id).css('position', 'fixed'); $('#' + id).css('top', '8px'); } else if (document.documentElement.scrollTop < gutter || self.pageYOffset < gutter) { $('#' + id).css('position', 'absolute'); $('#' + id).css('top', gutter + 'px'); } } } function cr_reloadSelf() { window.location.href = window.location.href.split('#')[0]; //self.location.reload(true); } function reloadUpdatePanel(panel) { __doPostBack(panel, ''); } function redirectParent(url) { if (window.location != window.parent.location) { window.parent.location = url; } else { window.location = url; } } function cr_openImageMerge(hidValuesBox){ if($("." + hidValuesBox).length > 0){ newWindow("/admin/cr/ui/media.aspx?actn=merge&type=image&m=" + $("." + hidValuesBox).val(), 600, 600, 1); } } function renderAutoItem(ul, item){ if(item.id==-1){ return $( "
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checks.length : 0, // i = 0; // for (i; i < length; i++) { // var check = checks[i]; // var checkPage = $(check).parent(".printPage"); // if ($(check).hasClass("enabled")) { // $(checks).className = "printSelectButton tooltipMeNext disabled"; // $(checkPage).className = "printPage disabled"; // } // } //} function togglePrintPage(el){ var page = $(el).parent(".printPage"); var child = $(el).children(".fa"); if ($(el).hasClass("disabled")) { $(el).removeClass("disabled"); $(page).removeClass("disabled"); //---Added to modify FA icon--- $(child).removeClass("fa-plus"); $(child).addClass("fa-minus"); //----------------------------- } else { $(el).addClass("disabled"); $(page).addClass("disabled"); //---Added to modify FA icon--- $(child).removeClass("fa-minus"); $(child).addClass("fa-plus"); //----------------------------- } } function loadDashboardNetworkFind(){ $(".mrp_foundNews").load("/admin/cr/ui/networkFind.aspx?type=news"); $(".mrp_foundEvents").load("/admin/cr/ui/networkFind.aspx?type=sch"); } function setMrpRadioSelect(wrap) { $(".mrp_radioSelectWrap.active input[type=radio]").prop("checked", false); $(".mrp_radioSelectWrap").removeClass("active"); $(wrap).addClass("active"); $(wrap).find($("input[type=radio]")).prop("checked", true); } //CodeMirror var myCodeMirror = ""; var mirrorChanged=false; function initCodeMirror(fileType) { var useLint = false; if (fileType == "css" || fileType == "javascript") useLint = true; var width = 0; var height=0; if($(".codeMirrorWrapper").length>0){ height = $(window).height()-200; width = $(".codeMirrorWrapper").width() } if($(".colorSamples").length>0){ $(".colorSamples").height($(window).height()-250); } myCodeMirror = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById($(".txtHtmlFile").attr('id')), { mode: fileType, lineNumbers: true, indentWithTabs: true, indentUnit: 4, lineWrapping: false, matchTags: {bothTags:true}, gutters: ["CodeMirror-lint-markers"], lint: useLint, extraKeys: { "F11": function(cm) { cm.setOption("fullScreen", !cm.getOption("fullScreen")); }, "Esc": function(cm) { if (cm.getOption("fullScreen")) cm.setOption("fullScreen", false); }, "Ctrl-J": "toMatchingTag" } }); myCodeMirror.on("change", function(){setCodeMirrorChange();}); if(height!=0 && width !=0) myCodeMirror.setSize(width, height); //this needs to be updated somehow, but it's a pain in the ass else if(width !=0) myCodeMirror.setSize(width); //this needs to be updated somehow, but it's a pain in the ass else myCodeMirror.setSize("1000px"); //this needs to be updated somehow, but it's a pain in the ass window.onbeforeunload = function() { if(mirrorChanged==true) return true; } } function saveEditor() { myCodeMirror.save(); mirrorChanged=false; $("#notSavedWrap").hide(); } function setCodeMirrorChange(){ mirrorChanged=true; $("#notSavedWrap").show(); } //End CodeMirror //function initPreviewWindow(){ // $("#previewWrapper iframe").height($(window).height()-41); // // $(".previewSwitch").bootstrapSwitch().on('switch-change', function (e, data) { // if($("#adminWrapper").is(":visible")){ // $("#adminWrapper").hide(); // $("#previewWrapper").show(); // // if(!$("#previewWrapper iframe").hasClass("loaded")){ // $("#previewWrapper iframe").attr('src',$(".txtLiveLink").val()).addClass("loaded"); // } // }else{ // $("#previewWrapper").hide(); // $("#adminWrapper").show(); // } // // // }); //} //function togglePreview(){ // if($("#adminWrapper").is(":visible")){ // $("#adminWrapper").hide(); // $("#previewWrapper").show(); // }else{ // $("#previewWrapper").hide(); // $("#adminWrapper").show(); // } //} /*TimePicker*/ !function(a){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["jquery"],a):a(jQuery)}(function(a){function b(a){if(a.minTime&&(a.minTime=s(a.minTime)),a.maxTime&&(a.maxTime=s(a.maxTime)),a.durationTime&&"function"!=typeof a.durationTime&&(a.durationTime=s(a.durationTime)),a.disableTimeRanges.length>0){for(var b in a.disableTimeRanges)a.disableTimeRanges[b]=[s(a.disableTimeRanges[b][0]),s(a.disableTimeRanges[b][1])];a.disableTimeRanges=a.disableTimeRanges.sort(function(a,b){return a[0]-b[0]});for(var b=a.disableTimeRanges.length-1;b>0;b--)a.disableTimeRanges[b][0]<=a.disableTimeRanges[b-1][1]&&(a.disableTimeRanges[b-1]=[Math.min(a.disableTimeRanges[b][0],a.disableTimeRanges[b-1][0]),Math.max(a.disableTimeRanges[b][1],a.disableTimeRanges[b-1][1])],a.disableTimeRanges.splice(b,1))}return a}function c(b){var c=b.data("timepicker-settings"),f=b.data("timepicker-list");if(f&&f.length&&(f.remove(),b.data("timepicker-list",!1)),c.useSelect){f=a("