var bsTour = null; var minWindowWidth=1120; function dismissTour(alertId){ if(alertId != null){ if(alertId !=0) { $.ajax({ cache:false, type: "GET", url: "/admin/cr/ui/alert.aspx?actn=dismiss&i=" + alertId }); } } } function initEditNewsTour(){ if($("#txtNewsHeadingWrap").length>0 && $(window).width() > minWindowWidth){ // Instance the tour bsTour = new Tour({ name: "tour", steps: [ { element: ".tour_newsHeading", title: "Enter a catchy heading!", content: "Enter your news article heading here.", placement:"top" }, { element: ".tour_newsDate", title: "Enter a date here", content: "What date does this article pertain to?", placement:"right" }, { element: ".tour_newsCredit", title: "Who wrote it?", content: "Give credit to the article's author.", placement:"right" }, { element: ".tour_newsBody", title: "Enter the body", content: "Here is where you put the news body.", placement:"top" }, { element: ".tour_newsMedia", title: "Select Photos/Videos", content: "Select a few photos or videos to add to this article.", placement:"left" }], backdrop:true, storage: false, template: "

" + "
" +"
" }); //if tagging is available add that step if($(".tour_newsTag").length > 0){ bsTour.addStep({ element: ".tour_newsTag", title: "Tag your article!", content: "Be sure to tag your article to get maximum exposure across the MyRacePass Network! Tagging helps share your article to other sites, and updates you MyRacePass Profile.", placement:"left" }); } if($(".tour_newsTagType").length > 0){ bsTour.addStep({ element: ".tour_newsTagType", title: "Type Required", content: "You must select a type before previewing.", placement:"left" }); } //add the button step (because we want it after tagging) bsTour.addStep({ element: ".tour_newsButton", title: "Preview the Article", content: "Once everything is added, click here to preview and publish the article.", placement:"top" }); // Initialize the tour bsTour.init(); // Start the tour bsTour.start(); } } function initMediaFinderTour(){ if($("#mediaFinderWrap").length>0){ // Instance the tour bsTour = new Tour({ name: "tour", steps: [ { orphan: true, title: "Welcome to the File Manager", content: "Here you can upload or select media items to use on your site. Once your done with this tour click the 'Got it' button" }, { element: ".tour_selectTab", title: "Select Media", content: "Select new media here", placement:"bottom" }, { element: ".tour_currentTab", title: "Currently Selected", content: "View what items are currently linked up.", placement:"bottom" }, { element: ".tour_uploadBtn", title: "Upload New Media", content: "Click here if you need to upload new media", placement:"right" }, { element: ".tour_recent", title: "Used an Item Recently?", content: "This will show you the items you've used most recently.", placement:"right" }, { element: ".tour_new", title: "Just Uploaded Something?", content: "Click here to see the media you've recently uploaded.", placement:"right" }, { element: ".tour_search", title: "Search Media", content: "Search by the photo name or caption", placement:"bottom" } ], backdrop:true, storage: false, template: "

" + "
" +"
" }); // Initialize the tour bsTour.init(); // Start the tour bsTour.start(); } } function initMenuTour() { if ($(".iconMenuWrap").length > 0) { // Instance the tour bsTour = new Tour({ name: "menuTour", steps: [ { orphan: true, title: "Let's take a look around.", content: "Welcome to the admin side of your website. Once your done with this tour click the 'Got it' button" }, { element: ".nav-dashboard", title: "Admin Dashboard", content: "This gives you an overview of recent activity on your site.", placement: "right" }, { element: ".nav-news", title: "Press Releases", content: "Add or find all your news articles here.", placement: "bottom" }, { element: ".nav-schTour", title: "Schedule/Results", content: "Manage all your schedule events and results here.", placement: "bottom" }, { element: ".nav-points", title: "Season Points", content: "Review points and add point schemes here.", placement: "bottom" }, { element: ".nav-mediaTour", title: "Photos and Videos", content: "Add photo and video galleries here.", placement: "bottom" }, { element: ".nav-profileTour", title: "Manage Your Profile", content: "You can update your biography information here, along with all Drivers, Tracks, and Series on your site.", placement: "bottom" }, { element: ".nav-pitboard", title: "Pit Board", content: "Here you can post messages directly to your drivers and keep them updated as things change.", placement: "bottom" }, { element: ".nav-tickets", title: "Sell Tickets Online", content: "Add online tickets to your schedule and push them throughout the network.", placement: "bottom" }, { element: ".nav-storeTour", title: "Sell Merch Online", content: "Add your shirts, hats, koozies, and other merch to sell online.", placement: "bottom" }, { element: ".nav-contactTour", title: "Update Contact Information", content: "Add general contact information along with your physical and mailing addresses.", placement: "bottom" }, { element: ".nav-toolsTour", title: "Tools and Reports", content: "Check out numerous tools and reports here.", placement: "bottom" }, { element: ".nav-moreTour", title: "Even More", content: "Other miscellaneous pages are grouped under the More button.", placement: "bottom" }, { element: ".nav-settings", title: "Account Information", content: "Your personal and billing information can be updated here, along with behind the scenes settings.", placement: "left" }, { orphan: true, title: "DONE!", content: "That's the basics. Feel free to look around, and let us know if you have any questions." } ], backdrop: true, storage: false, template: "

" + "
" + "
" }); // Initialize the tour bsTour.init(); // Start the tour bsTour.start(); } }